How To Find The Best Historical Adventure Books For Your Reading Pleasure

There is no doubt that historical adventure books are among the most fascinating and exciting to read. Not only do they tell tales of gripping exploits or journeys, but they also let the readers take a peek behind the curtain of history. 

But how do you find the next great book to read? Sure, you may have heard that historical adventure is an interesting genre, but you don’t know any titles or authors to look for as yet. 

Below are some tips to help you find the best works to read in this particular genre:

Start With The Highly Acclaimed

The best way to ease your way into a book genre is to go for the most popular titles in that category. For example, you may start by searching for the “best historical adventure books” using your favorite search engines. You may also browse through online book reviews.  

As you do this, you’ll notice that certain book titles always come up in your search. Usually, these are the most popular and highly acclaimed works in that literary genre. Select one or two of the most popular titles and read them first in your spare time.

Look For Independent Authors

Now that you’re familiar with historical adventure books, look for independent authors. You’ll find that there are countless writers out there who write fascinating material. You won’t usually find them in New York Times bestseller lists but they do have an unmatched passion and flair for writing history-based adventure plots.

Looking at independently published adventure books allows you to find hidden gems of literature. You’ll have the opportunity to read works that are not yet mainstream but have potential to break out into fame in the future. 

Start your quest by reading through this historical adventure book collection by SJ Garland.

Identify Authors That Specialize In This Genre

There are authors that thrive in writing a specific category of literature. For example, Gabriel Garcia Marquez is best known for magic realism. George R.R. Martin and J.R.R. Tolkien are both well-recognized for writing fantasy books. 

In the same way, if you’re looking for historical adventure books, it is best to find authors that specialize in this genre. By doing this, you’ll almost never run out of good books to read.

SJ Garland focuses on writing historical romance, historical adventure and even contemporary romance books. Browse through the many works listed on this site and be on your way to endless hours of pleasurable reading.

Just Take Your Pick, Don’t Overthink

Sometimes, over-analyzing your book choices can cause you to miss out on great reads. Instead of spending many hours reading reviews and book summaries, why not just go with your gut-level instinct? 

Pick a book that jumps out at you from the shelf or online catalog. Allow yourself to be caught by surprise with what you choose. This is how memorable reading experiences happen.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain when trying a new genre to enjoy such as historical adventure books. Let the works listed here at SJ Garland website get you started on this fascinating journey.