Historical Romance Authors I Love  

Historical Romance has been a favorite genre of mine since I was in my teens. There's something about the power and mystery of those bygone eras that just draws me in every time. So, without further ado, here are some of my favorite Historical Romance authors! 

Historical Romance has been a favorite genre of mine since I was in my teens. There's something about the power and mystery of those bygone eras that just draws me in every time.

The elaborate gowns, the dashingly dressed men with their strong chins and devilish grins, the veiled ladies skilled at battle (or not), all replace my modern world.

I find myself engrossed in stories of royalty-genetics that stayed entrenched for decades. And it's cool to pretend I am too; like I'm on a grand tour among royalty or living out an age-old curse or mystery—which always need solving. A long ago era where women didn't have much power but there were lines drawn up by society about which they could not cross- is really rich with subtext especially when you are immersed in fantasy.

Here are some of my favorite Historical Romance authors:

1) Julia Quinn

Historical Romance author of the winning Bridgerton series on Netflix is one of the funniest writers out there for historical romance novels. She can make you laugh until your stomach hurts while still telling an amazing story with characters who will stay with you long after you've put down her book. 

2) Mary Balogh

If any author could be called Queen when it comes to historical romance, it would have to be Balogh. Her writing style is so distinct and well-developed that else could ever do it the way she does. 

4) Julia London

I love this author because she just seems to get better and better with each book. And her latest release, "Accidental Plus-One," is hands down one of the best books I've read all year!

5) Lisa Kleypas

Her series about the Hathaway family is adorable and she's also brought us some amazing stand-alones, including "Suddenly You," which I personally think should be made into a movie because it was that good.

6) Laura Lee Guhrke

This author has been around for a while but I only stumbled upon her books over the last couple of years. Now I can't wait for her next release! 

7) Sabrina Jeffries

I love her historicals because of how sassy they are. Not to mention that her characters are just so much fun!

8) Suzanne Enoch

Her "Samantha Jellicoe" series of six books was AND IS my favorite. She is usually known for writing about daring heroines but all of her books really are amazing.  

Not only are these authors talented writers who craft intricate plots with unforgettable characters but they have a way of making the reader laugh out loud and feel their heart race at different points in each story. I hope that if you haven't read any of these books before, now is your chance to find a new favorite author! If you're wondering about specific books on my list, feel free to ask! I love sharing what's in my TBR and what I've already read.